Prof: Supratim Chowdhury, AMT.
HR Expert, Researcher, Social Activist, Coach & Musician

As part of the social activities, I strongly believe that the society or nation can have a better tomorrow if only the spine of the society is strong. In tune with Swami Vivekananda's ideology i.e. working for any social change or reforms requires massive energy and spirit. Hence, Swamiji appealed to the youth of India to amplify both their mental energies and physical fitness to built up a society that will harmonize both socio-economic and spiritual growth.
I have taken an initiative to deploy my resources to motivate, inspire youth at a different level. The youths have to develop a futuristic vision and positive attitude with leadership qualities towards every endeavor they undertake to manifest their capabilities at an optimum level. The youth who are part of the academic institutions today will be part of tomorrow’s industry by means of employment or becoming entrepreneurs.
The country needs to be committed, dedicated and devoted youths to build up a better tomorrow. Hence, I am urging for conducting interactive sessions with the youths through workshops at different institutions and forums where I try to imbibe the youth with elements of a positive attitude for professional carrier and concept of life-goal management in all spheres of life.